
Grateful Patient Programs

Digital Gift Agreements for Grateful Patient Fundraising

Book Every Pledge. Beat Every Goal.

Turn your Grateful Patients into multi-year donors with Givzey's standalone Gift Agreement Platform.

Givzey - Digital Gift Agreements for Grateful Patient Fundraising

Turn Grateful Patients into Lifetime Donors

Grateful Patients

Grateful Patients are the most likely to give in the weeks & months following a successful outcome.

Grateful Patient Retention

...And they are historically difficult to retain as donors after their first gift.

Grateful Patient Pledges

Givzey empowers your grateful patient programs with multi-year pledges for gifts of all sizes early in the donor lifecycle.

Meet Givzey's Gift Agreement Platform

Generate and send pledge agreements in seconds with Givzey's mobile-friendly design.
Improve the grateful patient donor experience with one-click gift confirmation and automated reminders.
Accelerate bookable revenue by documenting donor intent, captured in accordance with current FASB standards.
Quickly set up multi-year pledge agreements for gifts of all sizes to increase grateful patient retention.
Givzey is built as a standalone solution. That means zero tech lift, and we can have you up and running in 24 hours.
More accurate and certain forecasting, giving you greater visibility into bookable revenue throughout the year.
Ready to Learn More?

See Givzey In Action.

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