Givzey's 10x ROI Guarantee
We guarantee you will have 10x the value of your Givzey contract in gifts under management in the first year, or your second year is free.

How Can Givzey Offer a 10x Guarantee?
By combining cutting-edge technology with frontline fundraising expertise and fundraiser training that supports and expands organizations' multi-year giving strategies, Givzey's customers already see between a 20-50x ROI on their annual Givzey contract. These results from our early customers make this guarantee an easy way for our team to build trust and remove barriers as we work to support more nonprofit organizations.
With Givzey, your team will scale multi-year giving to all levels of giving, increase bookable revenue, and grow major and planned giving pipelines by managing the entire gift agreement process:
- Confirming & Documenting Gift Intent
- Formalizing Verbal Agreements
- Automating One-Click Pledge Reminders
Givzey Customer Testimonials
William & Mary has now booked more than $1M in new commitments with Givzey in less than a year. By empowering each of our gift officers with Givzey's Gift Agreement Management solutions we have grown philanthropy and enabled gift officers to focus on what they do best.
Matthew T. Lambert
Senior Vice President of University Advancement | William & Mary
Givzey proved immediate value for Kenyon. It's a well-adopted tool that our fundraisers love to use and it's a game-changer for elevating our donor experience, which helps us achieve our goals.
Sonia Corrigan
Associate Vice President of Advancement Information Services | Kenyon College
I had a $10,000 pledge sent the old way, through PDF. After continuous follow-up for months, nothing happened. Within an hour of sending a Givzey pledge agreement, the gift was confirmed and booked.
Austin Byrd
Director of Leadership Annual Giving | Stony Brook University

Why the Givzey Guarantee?
The Givzey Guarantee represents a shift in how technology companies partner with nonprofit organizations to provide direct, repeatable, and measurable improvements in revenue.
The nonprofit sector needs partners who are willing to be accountable not only for innovation, but for the outcome and impact of that innovation, and, based on the definitive and overwhelming success of our early customers, our team is proud to lead this era of change in providing a guaranteed return on investment.
Givzey's 10x guarantee comes directly from the results of our early customers who have done amazing work to scale giving with all forms of Digital Gift Agreements. By definitively tying improved donor experiences to increased revenue, we're proud that we can now offer the Givzey Guarantee.