The Messy Middle Accelerating Gift Closes for Leadership Annual Giving


The Messy Middle - it’s the time between when a donor is at the height of their alignment and verbally agrees to give and when that gift actually closes.

For Leadership Annual Giving officers, this Messy Middle may not be as lengthy as it is for their MGO peers. But there are still inefficiencies that create bottlenecks:

  • Paper and PDF Pledge Forms
  • Scanning and Uploading
  • Obtaining Final Donor Signatures and Confirmations

And each of these bottlenecks introduces unnecessary risks:

  • Dissatisfied Donors
  • Gifts That Don’t Close (Or Don’t Close In Time)
  • The Inability & Lack Of Incentive To Seek Multi-Year GiftsJoin us on Thursday, May 23 at 2:00 PM ET to join the conversation.

In this webinar, Givzey’s Emily Groccia walks us through the Messy Middle for LAG teams and show us how to accelerate closing leadership annual gifts faster and with more efficiency.

Accelerating Gift Closes for Leadership Annual Giving