Webinar  060524  University of Mary Washington


Would your organization benefit if your team could 10x multi-year commitments in less than a year?
That's exactly what advancement leadership at the University of Mary Washington did with the help of digital transformation. 
In this webinar, UMW leaders, Beth Hunsinger, Executive Director of Development, and Shelby Orlando, Director of Annual Giving, will walk you through how their digital transformation with Givzey empowered them to scale pledges at an impeccable rate.
We'll cover how UMW set priorities to hit major milestones, including the best giving day in UMW history and using multi-year pledges to build deeper relationships and upgrade donors.
But we aren't stopping there. Now that UMW sees the benefits of digital transformation, they're digging in even further. Beth and Shelby will tell us about their plans for FY2025 and how they plan to use Givzey's Intelligent Gift Documentation Management Platform to grow giving pipelines even more.






SCALING PLEDGES AT AN IMPECCABLE RATE with University of Mary Washington